




Online Cab Booking Portal for Local & Outstation Cabs


HireMeCar comes to us with a vision of creating a web portal catering to Car Rental solution for local and outstation transportation which can provide fast, secure and reliable car service with technically sound booking engine and user friendly website.


We developed and designed a website with Internet Booking Engine that is very user-friendly and creatively designed with every popular cities and remote locations covered. We also designed a Internet Booking Engine for easy booking of cabs from one location to another. Our team developed a creative content management system, through which they can manage their content and landing pages easily. Also, we built a technology for adding and tracking bookings status, agent dash-board, click to call functionality.


  • Online conversion boosted by 200% and reduced cancellation rate by 30%.
  • Reduced overall CPC by 30% in Six months, and gained 40K monthly traffic.
  • Build our unique CMS and OPS for Back office management.

Marketing Objectives

  1. Social media campaigns : Working campaigns on all leading platforms like Facebook , twitter , Instagram & covering all social media platforms for our publicity
  2. Email Marketing : We are sending emailers on weekly basis to our customers using the best email marketing platforms available in the market.
  3. Affiliate Marketing : We are linked with leading deals and coupons players in the business for our promotions.
  4. Business Development : The core of the business is to develop it with strong and well versed team, we have taken BD to next level. It includes extensive partnership with world-wide players of Flight and Hotel industry, whereby increasing sales of the company to next level.